Crayton’s Leadership And Scholarly Services (CLASS) was founded in 2015 and is a free after-school homework assistance program focused toward children from economically underprivileged families who attend public school in New Orleans. CLASS began as an outreach ministry at New Beginnings (church) to assist the school-aged congregants and their parents attain desired educational goals. The program was specifically created to help meet the needs of students who are challenged with completing homework assignments due to the level of difficulty, the volume of homework assigned, and/or the lack of a computer, printer, and internet access.
In 2016, CLASS was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and in 2017 acquired partnership with the City of New Orleans as an Educational Program with the New Orleans Recreational Development Commission (NORDC). Dr. Mack Crayton III, Founder of CLASS and Program Coordinator (Dept Chair) for Biology at Dillard University, along with a staff of volunteer tutors offer homework assistance three evenings a week from September to May from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Students who are registered for CLASS receive homework assistance in the following subjects areas: Reading, Language Arts, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, History and Science. Leadership activities for CLASS are focused toward building non-cognitive life-skills and include a combination of educational activities, social events, career and life-skills counseling, and faith-based mentoring.
Mission Statement
The ultimate purpose of Crayton’s Leadership And Scholarly Services (CLASS) is to contribute to the academic success of its scholars (students) and to assist in their preparation for roles in leadership, and also Christian and Community service.